Ten Questions to Ask A Home Inspector

  1. What are your qualifications? Are you a member of the American Association of Home Inspectors?
  2. Do you have a current license? Inspectors are not required to be licensed in every state.
  3. How many inspections of properties such as this do you do each year?
  4. Do you have a list of past clients I can contact?
  5. Do you carry professional errors and omission insurance? May I have a copy of the policy?
  6. Do you provide any guarantees of your work?
  7. What specifically will the inspection cover?
  8. What type of report will I receive after the inspection?
  9. How long will the inspection take and how long will it take to receive the report?
  10. How much will the inspection cost?

Portions adapted from Real Estate Checklists and Systems and used with permission. (www.realestatechecklists.com)

Reprinted from REALTOR® Magazine Online by permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. Copyright / All rights reserved.

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